Balloon Sinuplasty Procedure Patient Example
As a leading sinus headache doctor and expert in his field, Dr. Mariotti often takes a non-surgical approach to treating his patients. Surgery is always not the first option and for good reason. The following is an example of a patient that was recently treated for their sinus condition.
Female patient
Age 55
Previous Treatment
Approximately 12 years ago another doctor treated the patient for sinus related infections. The doctor performed Endoscopic surgery – a then highly invasive procedure (Dr. Mariotti does perform Endoscopic Surgery only when necessary but utilizes MIST – MINIMALLY INVASIVE SINUS TECHNIQUE.)
Why The Patient came to Dr. Mariotti
The patient developed constant headaches on the left side of her forehead.
The Diagnosis
A CAT scan was performed and revealed an infected block of the left frontal sinus.
The Treatment
A round of antibiotics and steroids were prescribed. After monitoring the progress, it was decided to proceed with Balloon Sinuplasty. Balloon sinuplasty is a safe and effective sinus procedure for chronic sinusitis patients seeking relief from uncomfortable sinus pain symptoms. It is performed in 6 easy steps and does not involve cutting of the nasal bone or tissue.
The procedure is an in office visit. It took only ten minutes to numb the area where the procedure was taking place. Local anesthesia was also administered and the procedure was performed in an under an hour.
The Results
18 months later the patient has no sinus issues and has not reported any headaches.
To learn more about Balloon Sinuplasty and watch patient stories click here.